Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Living and Loving

After a month since the civil union things are now calm and back to the normal routine. The idea that our life wouldn't change after the big day because we have been living together for almost a year is not real. We look at each other in a special way now, the company and the cuddles are diferent and yes, the love is bigger.
It's sad to go back to the real life and face work and problems. Feeling that we need new projects now we are looking forward to our honeymoon at Easter weekend, my trip to Brazil, Nathan's part in "My Fair Lady", the big job of my residance application and of course to keep focused in our jobs, our house, family and friends, wow!
I have never felt so happy in my life before. It's like the problems became smaller, the relationchip stronger and now we can start working hard for our future.
It looks like Kiwi Boy is full of life and he is! 2009 is the year of my life! Let's be happy everybody!!!!

Updates...: Kiwi Boy has been partying almost every weekend...hiihih...the brazilian community is just great and the drinks too lol.
The oyster season hasn't been so busy and crazy and he has time to join the gym! Yes, Kiwi Boy is trying to get fit...no comments thanks!
Nathan and I have spent almost all the vouchers from the civil union and we got amazing things for home. We were very happy with so much help from everybody.

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