I have been in Brazil for a whole week now. Today is Independence Day, it´s very hot as we are cooking our heads under a 25 degrees sun!
I am having a good time so far, eating well, sleeping about 6 hours per night and enjoying my family and friend´s company.
As soon as I arrived I could smell the very strong and stinky polution, the caotic traffic and realise how bad we brazilians drive!!! Sometimes I feel like I am in Asia where the traffic has no rules and people just do whatever they want! Oh well...
The food has the same delicious flavour and the beer is just perfect, my friends are still trying to understand why I get so excited about these simple things heheh, never mind.
Eli and Blair came home to spend the night and I could practice some english wich is good and hear from Blair his experiences in the land of samba.
I didn´t go shopping yet because it´s boring to do it by yourself, so my sister and I might go next week.
Brazil is so far the same bloody crazy place, I am not sure if I would find my place back in the society and definetly it´s the people I love the only reason to come back.
It´s sad to say something like it and I don´t say it in front of anybody, I hate the feeling of sounding snob or that I am better than anyone because I live overseas.
I don´t miss home (NZ) either!!! Hahahaha! Apart from Mr BE and the little kiwis!!!
In this post, photos of the sunrise in Andes, Chile and from the municipal market in São Paulo.
It was awesome to see the photos babe! Don't you just miss NZ a wee bit?
Hey I'm glad you are enjoying yourself, I want to go there!
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