Wow! What a weekend!!!
The last post was about the long journey of work but this one is about the biggest weekend ever!
The big weekend started with Paula's leaving party at Molly's on friday night. Part of the staff got together for drinks and they had quite a few, hehehe. Dancing and drinking, drinking and dancing, Kiwi Boy got home at 2am feeling very, very "happy".
A few hours later, 10:30am, he was playing squash at the Southland Stadium with Andrea, which was at Molly's with him! (hahaha) Squash is a very hard game, making you run and run all the time. One hour game almost killed Andrea e Kiwi Boy. They survived, so they went to Mc Donald's for a fatty meal heheh.
At 1:30pm Kiwi Boy was at Aurora College with Nathan to watch Shishonnee and Breanna on a tap competition. The girls were great (Bre scored a silver medal and Shishonnee a bronze) but to watch tap is not the best option after a big night and a hard game so Kiwi Boy went back home for a wee rest.
At 4:30pm he was at Rugby Park with Dennis and Jason (Nathan's dad and brother) to watch the Southland Stags game! The Stags are playing very well this year at Air New Zealand Cup and they beat North Harbour for 43 to 7! What a good game!!! So good that Kiwi Boy had three beers, heheheheh.
At 7:30pm Kiwi Boy was at the Working Men's Club for a drink (lemonade) with Dennis, Jason and Diane (Nathan's mum) before they watch Nathan's show, Forbidden Brodway.
The show was really good and Nathan was just great!
It was the last night of the show and Kiwi Boy went to the Pijama Party with the whole cast and producers of the show. very quiet and nice party, good food and company. Kiwi Boy met a portuguese guy, Alfredo, who works in Invers and is getting marriage with a kiwi in next January. Saturday ended at 2am with Kiwi Boy totally exausted!
Sunny, hot and beautifull Sunday, Kiwi Boy and Nathan travelled to Riverton to have lunch in front of the beach (good steak) and enjoy the day. They drove thru the country looking the nice houses and farms, had dessert at Jagz (yummy brownie), visited Richelle and finish the night watching Little Britain Live!
So so tired! (zzzz....ZZ...Zzzz) Kiwi Boy got a very sore back, arms and legs after all but felt happy. He can't wait for more action!
Uau!!! Que fim de semana!
Depois de escrever sobre a jornada de dez dias de trabalho, desta vez o cozinheiro/lesado escreve sobre a jornada que foi seu fim de semana.
Tudo comecou na sexta feira depois do trabalho, parte do pessoal do restaurante foi para o Molly's para drinks de despedida para Paula que esta de mudanca para Ozzy (Australia). Todos se divertiram, Kiwi Boy dancou e bebeu, bebeu e dancou (muita Stella Artois) e chegou em casa as 2h se sentindo quase "mal" hehehe.
As 10:30 ele estava com Andrea (que estava no Molly's com ele) jogando squash no Stadium Southland. Squash eh um jogo muito duro, faz voce correr e correr e depois de uma hora eles estavam quase mortos!
O jeito foi passar no Mc Donald's para uma refeicao rica em gordura pra animar qualquer ressaca, hahahaha.
As 13:30 Kiwi Boy estava na Aurora College com Nathan para assistir Breanna e Shishonnee em sua primeira competicao de sapateado. As meninas foram super bem (Bre ganhou medalha de prata e Shishonnee, bronze), mas sapateado nao eh a melhor opcao depois de uma noite de bombacao e um jogo de squash, entao Kiwi Boy foi para casa pra um curto repouso.
As 16:30 Kiwi Boy estava com Dennis e Jason (pai e irmao de Nathan) no Rugby Park para assistir o jogo dos Southland Stags!!! Os Stags estao jogando muito bem essa temporada e massacraram North Harbour por 43 a 7! Otimo jogo, tao bom que o cozinheiro/lesado se sentiu bem e tomou tres cervejas hahahaha!
As 19:30 ele estava com Dennis, Diane e Jason no Working Men's Club para um drink (soda dessa vez) antes de ir assistir ao show de Nathan, Forbidden Broadway.
O show foi muito bom e engracado e Nathan foi o melhor de todos!
Como foi a ultima apresentacao do show, Kiwi Boy foi à festa do elenco e produtores, que teve como tema, pijama! hahahah Festa comfortavel e com otima companhia, Kiwi Boy inclusive conheceu um portugues! Alfredo, que mora e trabalha em Invers e esta noivo de uma kiwi e se casam em janeiro! O sabado terminou por volta das 2h com o cozinheiro/lesado completamente exausto!
Um domingo quente, bonito e com muito sol, Kiwi Boy e Nathan viajaram ate Riverton para almocar de frente para a praia (bom steak) e aproveitar o dia. Eles dirigiram pela regiao olhando as grandes casas e as fazendas, comeram sobremesa no Jagz (delicioso brownie), visitaram Richelle e terminaram o findi assitindo Little Britain Live!
Cansado...zzz....ZZ..zz....acabado! Com dores nas costas, bracos e pernas, Kiwi Boy chegou ao fim desse findi mega bombacao e mal pode esperar por mais!