Last weekend Kiwi Boy went to the Civic Theatre (twice) to watch "Matariki - Fire and Ice Fiesta" a show to celebrate te Maori New Year, with Josie and Nathan being part of the cast.
As the name suggests the show had pyrotechnics and lots of dried ice smoke, a kapa haka group (Josie and Nathan) and nice UV light effects.
The show had a huge promotion in the community and media, everybody was talking about it and Kiwi Boy couldn't wait to watch it!
To find out more about Matariki and the Maori culture check out this link www.teara.govt.nz/NewZealanders/MaoriNewZealanders/MaoriCreationTraditions/1/en .
The photos are from the rehearsal and the Friday night show.

Como o nome sugere o show teve pirotecnia e muito gelo seco, kapa haka (grupo folclorico e cultural maori) no qual estavam Josie e Nathan, e varios efeitos de luz ultra-violeta.

O show teve uma grande promocao por parte da midia e a comunidade nao falava de outra coisa. Mais um motivo para Kiwi Boy nao sossegar ate assistir as apresentacoes.
Para saber mais sobre Matariki e a cultura Maori clique nesse link www.teara.govt.nz/NewZealanders/MaoriNewZealanders/MaoriCreationTraditions/1/en (ingles) e www.rosanevolpatto.trd.br/deusapapa1.htm (portugues).

O cozinheiro/lesado/no show bizz se divertiu muito!
Another fantastic blog my babe. I'm so pleased you were part of the show with us.
Te amo
hahaha..e lá está o kiwi-boy no mundo das celebs Neo-zeolandezas!!!...hahahahaha..
adorei as fotinhos!!! alegria que transborda!!
podia ter caprichado mais no post!...
fica ai a dica!
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