Kiwi Boy was having one more boring and stressed day at work. By himself and with lots to do.
His boss (The Devil) wasn't working and he had to prepare everything and cook meals for the costumers.
Out of the blue his boss got in the kitchen with Genna, Rachel saying that Kiwi Boy and Vohn (Chef from The Fat Duck) should stop working and go with them. How? Where? Why? No questions! Take your apron off and go!
The girls drove Kiwi Boy and Vohn to out of the town, till the unknow!
They parked in front of a house and in the back yard....they saw a helicopter!!!
Oh My God! Said the chefs. Thats was the surprise! A Scenic Flight!!!
They flew by Lake Manapuori, Fiordland and they could see the mountains of Doubtfull Sound! The pilot landed on top of a mountain was a set of "The Lord of The Rings"!!!!!! Wwwwwoooowwwww!!!!!!
Wonderfull view! Natural pools, water falls, a bit of snow, forests, lakes....just amazing!
Kiwi Boy couldn't express himself....he was in shock! lol
Such a great experience and the best part: Free!!! hehehehe
The Devil sometimes know how to be nice!
The adventure spirit took Kiwi Boy away and today is his day off, goingo to Queenstown with Eli (VIB) and Blair looking for more fun!

Seu Boss (The Devil) nao estava por la e ele tinha que preparar tudo e ainda cozinhar pros clientes.
Eis que de surpresa Boss entra na cozinha com Genna e Rachel (garconetes) dizendo pra ele largar tudo e ir com elas. Como? Onde? Por que? Sem perguntas, tira seu avental e vai!
Kiwi Boy e Vohn (chef do Fat Duck, outro restaurante do Devil) foram pegos de surpresa, colocados dentro de uma Van e levados pra fora da cidade ate uma casa no meio do nada, la, no fundo do quintal, um helicoptero!!!!

Oh My God! Eles disseram! hahahahaha Essa era a surpresa, um passeio de helicoptero!
Eles voaram por Manapouri, pelo lago, Foirdland ate deu pra ver as montanhas em Doubtfull Sound! E isso eh na costa da ilha! O piloto ainda pousou no alto de uma montanha que foi cenario do "Senhor dos Aneis" !!!!! Uhuuuuuu!!!!
Uma vista maravilhosa! Piscinas naturais, cachoeiras, um pouco de neve, florestas, lagos...perfeicao!
O cozinheiro/lesado nao conseguia se expressar! Faltavam palavras!
Uma experiencia que vai ficar gravada pra sempre! E a melhor parte...foi tudo de graca!!!!! hahahah O Diabo as vezes sabe ser legal! hehehe

O cozinheiro/lesado/voador! quer bombar sempre!!!

tah mto bem!! isso sim q é bombaçao... e eu falando de uma reles fetsinha...bjao!
MEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...que incrivellll!!! amei esse presente que vc ganhou...! adorei as fotos tambem! principalmente a que vc está sozinho, com cara de molecão sapeca!(vou roubar essa tá!?)...
You are so lucky! The pictures are amazing!
Mr BE ;-)
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